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HOME 献金・寄付

Thank you for your generosity and support of our work. 
You can give Monetary donations allow
The Salvation Army and other charities the flexibility to quickly

and efficiently meet the immediate needs of disaster survivors.

Become a supporter and donate 



【NPO法人 九州キリスト災害支援センター】

・ゆうちょ銀行 振替口座/01720-5-169579

・ゆうちょ銀行【記号】17420 【番号】81598531

※振込手数料が無料となる払込用紙をお送りしますので、 本部事務局までご連絡ください。

【普通預金】店番652  口座番号 2613361



Beneficiary Bank : MUFG Bank, LTD.
Branch Name :   Fukuoka Branch
( Bank address :1-12-7 Tenjin Chuoku Fukuoka 810-0001 Japan)
Beneficiary Account Number : 652-2613361 
Beneficiary Name : Kyushu Christ Disaster Relief Center
(Address :6-15-9 Higashiaburayama Jonanku Fukuoka 814-0155 Japan)

 Click the link below for online payment by credit cards

スクリーンショット 2020-06-16 15.29.30.png

 We have "Trust Bridge" account.

Kyushu Christ Disaster Relief Center is now registered with the Trust Bridge Foundation. Individuals and corporations residing in the U.S. who donate to Kyushu Christ Disaster Relief Center through this foundation are eligible to receive a tax deduction (credit card payments are also accepted).

Become a supporting member

Please complete the application in the envelop and send it back to us. You can also apply through the website.

Supporting member

Membership admission fee: Individual 0 yen /  Corporate:   0 yen

Annual membership fee: 
Individual 1,000yen 
Corporate: 3,000yen

Contact Form


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